Happy Valentines Day week!
Check out this week's posts on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube for a week of Valentine's Day Pathem puzzles. Share them with love and see how you do as they get progessively more difficult.
"diygameguy" on Instagram
Play more games, have more fun!
Thanks for supporting TMIBoom! Please like, follow, subscribe as we grow togehter in 2025!
Life is a game, when you learn how to play!

I'm JK Cook, the DIY Game Guy.
I'm a dad of triplets and a firey, goofy nerd. I have a compulsion to create things (ADHD-lite?) and I am doing my best to use my kooky way of looking at the world to make the one we all share a little more fun... and think I've found the best thing I can do for the rest of my life...TMI BOOM!

Ms. Cookie is an educator, illustrator, and musician in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Besides being an amazing creative person (and my sister!) she is one of my connections to the education world where DIY gaming can connect families and grow minds.
Teachers! We are building a library of DIY game materials here for you to share with the class. Fun, engaging, challenging, free.
Do-It-Yourself Gaming!

Build your DIY game kit!
Building your own personalized game kit makes playing games more fun. Spend a little or build a legendary collection of dice, cards, pawns, and other gaming goodies. Gather your DIY gaming materials and play all the TMI Boom games we have to offer!

TMI Boom's Games & Puzzles LIST
This is the living list of TMI Boom's games & puzzles that have been published, officially released, are in development, and everything in between. This list will always be a work-in-progress and a great overview of how TMI Boom and the DIY game movement are growing.

Benefits of playing DIY games!
• Have fun
• De-stress
• Skill-building
• Quality time with others
• Mental health support
• even more fun!