Welcome to TMI Boom's first NFT collection!

TWOSERS are multiple personality optical illusion characters. What?!?! Basically, if turn a TWOSER upside down and one face changes to another.

TMI Boom chose TWOSERS to be our first "small-batch NFTs" collection (a phrase invented by Sensei Mila) because they are a special visual treat and a fun theme to make a series from.

You can see the collection on HERE and read about some behind-the-scenes info on the TMI Boom Patreon as well.

The TWOSER NFT collection is made up of 108 NFTs (definitely small-batch) made of sub-groups of different styles: Classic, Artist Proofs, Rainbow, Noir, RIP, Hypnotize, Classic Spin (animated gif), Classic ForeverSin (animated gif), and Rare Gems. This was made to create rarity within the collection and because it was fun creatively.

As with all TMI Boom projects, TWOSER NFTs are a part of the TMI Boom "TYG" (Ten Year Game) which is held primarily on the TMI Boom Patreon. Long story short, to keep TMI Boom creatively honest, every TMI Boom Project can only be continued if it has the chance to be the best thing TMI Boom has every created. While this game/question will be answered most completely over a 10-year game on the Patreon branch on TMI Boom, it guides everything TMI Boom works on.

Time will tell if TWOSER NFTs will be at the top of the list in ten years, but they sure are fun to look at. Everyone loves optical illusions and everyone feels like they have more than one personality sometimes.

Time will tell if TWOSER NFTs will be at the top of the list in ten years, but they sure are fun to look at. Everyone loves optical illusions and everyone feels like they have more than one personality sometimes.

So go take a gander at the TMI Boom TWOSER NFT collection on today and start collecting some very special Non-Fungible Tokens with your crypto currencies.

For more on all things TMI Boom check out the TMI Boom Blog, TMI Boom Patreon and find us on Twitter (@tmiboom), Instagram (tmi_boom), YouTube (tmi boom), etc...