TMI Boom's G.O.T.M.
Giving away some of TMI Boom's best games with our FREE Game-of-the-Month (G.O.T.M.) subscription is how TMI Boom gives back to the community.
Happiness experts often list "doing something for others" (giving, contributing, charity, creating, building) as an important factor to our happiness and I'm willing to put my money where my mouth is.
Playing more games, playing with more people, being a member of the DIY (Do-It-Yourself) game community, and sharing your fun with others will make the world a better place one game and one person at a time.
Please make your next winning move in the game of life and sign up for TMI Boom's FREE G.O.T.M. (it's right at the bottom of the page).
You'll get a free game every month and help support our mission to provide free and affordable DIY games with as many people as we can.
This is what TMI Boom is all about. I LOVE creating games and when family & friends make fun and surprising memories together playing them, it is incredibly fulfilling. I can only imagine how it will feel when I know that people I have never met, from anywhere in the world, share special moments laughing with the people in their life while playing our games. - JK
Here are some of the G.O.T.M.s we've given away so far...