Top 10 mental health tips - and a fun puzzle

“6 Deep Breaths” is today’s stress relieving tip and Pathem puzzle.

If deep breathing is good enough for Navy Seals and Yoga instructors to get their mind and body settled, it’s good enough for the rest of us. “Diaphragmatic breathing breathing”is extremely effective and worth looking up. Try it before you judge…see will see for yourself.

Then see how great Pathem puzzle are to play. Getting into the zone solving a word game like Pathem resets your mind and refreshens you to get back to your daily activities. Pathem puzzle are challenging and worth it. Share this Pathem word game with the puzzle solvers in your life.

Today’s Pathem “6 Deep Breaths” is #3 of 10 in this series of Pathem: the genius word game. It is a Level 1 and scores 20 pts. The next 7 Pathem are going to get progressively more challenging…so take 6 deep breaths and get playing.

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- JK Cook, the DIY Game Guy and

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