The BEST of January 2022
January was heavy with Sleepy Creeps projects. The first batch of Sleepy Creeps NFTs were minted on OpenSea, the first Sleepy Creeps video (Dead Bunny) was uploaded to the TMI Boom YouTube channel, and the second Backwards Girl puzzle was released.
In addition, the SENSEI MILA comic strip (also an NFT collection) debuted a new reoccurring bit, "Parent Cornered". The triplets and I got a big laugh with it and look forward to many more questionable parenting "tips".
Finally, a (secret) TMI Boom project took a big step with a major retail store brand this month and is hopefully closer to being a new product line in stores. It's not a done deal, so it's hush-hush for now, but it is very exciting and I will post more info as it comes in.
Looking forward, February has a bunch on the calendar. I'm continuing the rehabbing of with help from the Social Sales Girls, doing real releases of TMI Boom's CAPs (Creative Activity Projects), more Sleepy Creeps characters to introduce, more videos on YouTube, and. more NFTs added to the Open Sea collections.
So much to do, so little time! A lot changed for Dec 2021 to Jan 2022 on the Leadboards and February's should show us even more.
If you like what I'm up to, please reach out and make a connection!
- JK