How to reduce daily stress - by playing this game

“Make Something” is today’s mental health tip and Pathem puzzle.

Complaining about things, tearing stuff down, and nay-saying is easy…and not satisfying in the long term. Now if you make something, build it, and grow it, you will feel the difference. It is not the easy way out and but it is the most rewarding way forward. Whether it is just the first step toward something big or a small thing you complete today, make something.

Playing today’s Pathem puzzle “Make Something” is just such a step. Getting into the zone solving a word game like Pathem resets your mind and refreshens you to get back to your daily activities. Pathem puzzle are challenging and worth it. Share this mental health tip and Pathem word game with your friends and family.

Today’s Pathem “Make Something” is #5 of 10 in this series of Pathem: the genius word game. It is a Level 2 and scores 50 pts. The next 5 Pathem are going to get harder…so make your move and start playing.

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