10 simple mental health tips - play this game

“Be Grateful” is today’s stress relieving tip and Pathem puzzle.

No matter how tough your day has been, you have many things to be grateful for. Your mind reinforces what it’s focused on, so make sure you acknowledge the positive as well as work to improve the negative. Balance out your perspective.


Then be grateful you have this Pathem puzzle to solve. Getting into the zone solving a word game like Pathem resets your mind and refreshens you to get back to your daily activities. Pathem puzzle are challenging and worth it. Discover what millions of other people are and play a Pathem word game.

Today’s Pathem “Be Grateful” is #2 of 10 in this series of Pathem: the genius word game. It is a Level 1 and scores 15 pts. The next 9 Pathem are going to get progressively more challenging…and rewarding to solve. For an easier introduction look back for puzzle #1 in this series, “Get Physical”.

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