10 mental health tips and a fun game


“Get Physical” is today’s mental health tip and Pathem puzzle.

Get your blood circulating and your heart rate up to reduce your stress by giving your mind a break. Some quick jumping jacks, a brisk walk around the block or office, or some downward dog. Whatever work for where you are. Get physical to get better with your mental state.

Then try this Pathem puzzle. Getting into the zone solving a word puzzle like Pathem resets your mind and refreshens you to get back to your daily activities. Pathem puzzle are challenging and worth it. Don’t just listen to the hype, see it for yourself. 

Today’s Pathem “Get Physical” is #1 of 10 in this series of Pathem: the genius word game. It is a Level 1 and scores 10 pts. It’s a great place to start because it’s as about easy as it gets and the next 9 Pathem are going to get progressively more challenging…and rewarding to solve.

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- JK Cook, the DIY Game Guy and TMIBoom.com

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